Happy Holidays!
Winter Daytime Meetings January to March 2025!

(Map and info below)
See the meeting schedule

The Kingston Stamp Club
has been the meeting place of stamp collectors in Kingston since the 1930's. We meet twice a month, on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month from September to June, and once a month in July and August.

Winter meetings (January through March) are held in the daytime (1:00-3:00pm) at Edith Rankin Church in Collins Bay. The rest of the year meetings take place from 6:00pm to 8pm at the Kingston Seniors Centre, 56 Francis St., Kingston ON.

Visitors are always welcome.
Whether you are an advanced collector, a beginner looking to find out "what it's all about", or inherited a collection and need some advice, you're welcome to visit and to join. Our membership's experience adds up to centuries! and we're always happy to help.

Regular activities
include exchanging stamps, participating in our (usually) monthly auctions, bourse and consignment tables and enjoying the Club's Quarterly Newsletter. Members find many stamps for their collections at reasonable prices from other collectors through the auctions and consignment tables. Members may sell their surplus stamps through the auction or consignment table with only minimal commission to the club to keep things running.

The Kingston Stamp Festivals
We hold two Stamp Festivals annually, in June and October. Thay typically feature 8-10 dealers and members sales tables, door prizes and a large consignment table. They are attended by collectors from many miles around. At Crossroads United Church, 690 Sir John A. Macdonald Blvd, Kingston. See more information about the next Festival here.

Membership Information
Membership is open to the public and accompanied children are welcome. Visitors are free, but after a couple of meetings, we ask that you join. Annual dues: Adult $25.00, Youth and Student: Free. Children under 12, accompanied by a non-collecting adult: Free.

Spring Stamp Festival

Join us on April 19, 2025

The Eastern Ontario Stamp Festival will be held in a spacious venue at Crossroads United Church, 690 Sir John A. MacDonald Blvd, Kingston. (see map at right), on Saturday April 19, from 10:00am until 3:00pm. Easy access with no stairs. Free parking and admission.

The Festival will feature many tables of stamps and covers, including club consignment sales (members' stamps they have given to the club to sell).

Doors open to the public at 10:00am, 9:30am for Kingston Stamp Club members. Closing at 3:00pm. More information.

For More Information
please contact our Membership Chairperson, Don Mann at 613-389-6536 ddmann@sympatico.ca or our Club President Bob Gardner at 613-389-9587, or bandjgardner@cogeco.ca

In a Nutshell
(January through March 2025)
Edith Rankin Memorial United Church
4080 Bath Rd. (Collins Bay), Kingston ON

Winter Daytime Meetings 1:00-3:00pm
2nd & 4th Thursday of each month
from January to March
(See Meeting Schedule for dates)

Membership: Don Mann 613-389-6536 ddmann@sympatico.ca
President: Bob Gardner 613-389-9587 bandjgardner@cogeco.ca

Map to Edith Rankin Church
for Winter Daytime Meetings 1:00-3:00pm
January through March 2025

Map to Spring and Fall Festivals
Crossroads United Church, 690 Sir John A. Macdonald Blvd.